
While we hope you find the materials on the Tortorici Schwartz LLP (TSLLP) website to be informative, please note all of these materials are provided to readers for informational purposes only and you may not rely on this information as legal or any other advice to you on any matter.  These materials may not reflect the most current legal developments and should in no way be taken as an indication of future legal results.  Further, our transmission of information on this website is not intended to create, and your receipt of this information does not create, an attorney-client relationship between TSLLP and you.  Accordingly, you should not act on any information provided without consulting legal counsel.

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This website contains general information about TSLLP.  This website is not intended to be a solicitation or to provide legal advice.  This website is  intended to provide general information, and is not an invitation to an attorney-client relationship.  No reader of this website should take action or act or refrain from doing so on the basis of information provided in this website.

New York Professional Responsibility Disclosure:  This website contains Attorney Advertising.  Prior results of Tortorici Schwartz LLP do not guarantee a similar outcome.